NonupleLife in a World of 9s


9 Lemons In A Bowl

If you have walked into a new home sales gallery showroom or maybe even at one of the display areas at IKEA, you might have noticed that one of the ways in which display experts try to give a space more life is with bowls filled with fruit.

Fruits come in a variety of bright colors and can definitely bring positive vibes into a kitchen for example that is designed with a dull earth color theme.

They are almost always found on display in any retail store that sells home decoration products.

In addition, knowing that fruits have life just adds that little bit of life force into a space like a dining area. Making people feel in a better mood to communicate with each other.

This is also why people who practice zen and spirituality often recommend placing all types of fruits on plates or bowls for display.

Some of the popular ones are oranges, avocado, pomegranates, etc.

But nothing is more popular than lemons.

The citrus fruit in bright cheerful yellow has always been one of the favorite fruits used as ingredients in food for it’s flavor.

Think lemon tea, lemonade, lemon chicken, etc.

The is just something about it’s unique sourness that can easily turn an average dish into a good one.

On top of that, lemons have a reputation for being natural cleaning agents. That is without mentioning that they make great great dog reaction videos on YouTube too.

Putting lemons in a bowl for display is actually a simple way to create a refreshing aroma to the place, adding positive vibes, and bringing a little nature into our living spaces.

But somehow the default number of the fruit for display became 9 lemons in a bowl.

This choice of 9 lemons actually originate from numerology and metaphysical subjects like feng shui.

The spiritual meaning of the number 9 in numerology is love, enlightenment and wisdom. These are very appropriate life aspects for a household to embrace.

In feng shui, the number 9 symbolizes completeness. Thus, 9 lemons is often suggested for display in family areas.

Sometimes when 9 seems too much, people use 7 lemons in a bowl. 7 being another spirituality.

It’s no surprise that those who practice placing lemons on tables meant as decorative items are often those who meditate, practice yoga and other zen activities.

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